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Queensland Itch, also known as sweet itch or summer eczema, is a common skin condition that affects horses, especially in warmer climates. This condition is primarily caused by an allergic reaction to the bites of tiny Culicoides midges. If you’re a horse owner dealing with Queensland Itch, you know how uncomfortable it can be for your equine friend.  
Follow along as we highlight some tips and tricks for managing and preventing Queensland Itch in your horses!  

  • Identifying the Symptoms 

    Recognising the early signs of Queensland Itch is crucial for effective management. Look out for symptoms like itching, hair loss, scabs, and open sores, particularly in your horse's mane, tail, and other areas where the skin is thin and sensitive. Early detection can help you start treatment promptly. 
  • Fly Control 

    To prevent Queensland Itch, you must manage the Culicoides midge population. Use insecticides and fly sheets to protect your horse from midge bites. By investing in specialised products designed to protect your horse from midge bites. Fly masks, fly sheets, and fly boots can be effective in reducing the exposure to allergens. Additionally, consider fly traps and insect control measures around your horses paddock and stable to reduce the presence of these biting insects.  
  • Allergy Testing 

    If you suspect that your horse has Queensland Itch, consult your veterinarian for allergy testing. Identifying the specific allergens causing the reaction can help tailor your management and treatment plan. Your vet may recommend intradermal allergy testing or blood tests to pinpoint the allergen. 
  • Management of Affected Areas 
    Keep your horse in a clean and dry environment. Regularly clean and sanitize their bedding, stalls, and pastures to reduce the presence of allergens and prevent secondary infections. Additionally, consider using fans to keep the air circulating, as midges prefer still, humid conditions. 
  • Topical Treatments 
    Various topical treatments can help manage Queensland Itch. Use medicated shampoos such as Quit-Itch Lotion to soothe your horse’s skin and reduce itching. Be sure to follow your veterinarian’s advice on the most suitable products for your horse.  
  • Diet and Supplements  
    A well-balanced diet can support your horse’s immune system and skin health. Consult with your veterinarian about supplements that can help strengthen your horse’s skin and reduce allergic responses. An equal combination of turmeric, black cracked pepper and coconut oil is a great concoction that helps soothe skin conditions, as well as joint inflammations!  
  • Consistent Care 
    Consistency is key when managing Queensland Itch. Follow your veterinarian’s recommendations diligently and monitor your horse’s progress. Queensland Itch can be a reoccurring condition, so ongoing care and preventative measure are essential. 


Queensland Itch can be a challenging condition to manage, but with the right approach, you can help your horse find relief and live comfortably. By identifying the symptoms early, implementing fly control measures, and working to treat and soothe your horse's skin, you can provide your horse with the care and attention they need to minimise the effects of Queensland Itch and ensure their well-being.